Gravity Blockchain, Commercial Use & Player Adoption

Gravity Collision
4 min readJul 14, 2021

New Cryptocurrency Companies often start with a specific Goal in mind. They want to change something, for the better. What makes them stand out, and become successful are two main deliverables:

Commercial Use


User Adoption

Today, we will be going over these two deliverables, and why Gravity Collision is in a prime position for both.

The Blockchain for AAA Gaming

Currently, there is no AAA Gaming Studio that is using Blockchain, for anything. While there are plenty of use cases for Blockchain, *cough* Pokémon *cough* *cough*, no Studio has used it, thus far.

Enter Gravity Collision. Once we are funded, we will begin concurrently developing our First Game, and the Gravity Blockchain. The Blockchains entire purpose is, to do away with traditional items In Game, in favor of Digital Assets (our Smart NFT Solution).

Blockchain Structure and User Adoption

We plan on taking a decentralized approach with our Blockchain. We want to ensure Security is maintained, so we are using the Ethereum Blockchain to do so (on top of our Security). This makes us a Layer 2 Blockchain. We are also a Proof of Stake Blockchain, with our Nodes using a focused Role-Based structure. Because we will already have a player base for our Games, our Players have the option of opting in as a Node. They can also set their desired Reward, the choices being sNFTs (In Game Items), or GRAV-C.

There are many different types of Nodes for our Blockchain. Players have the option on choosing which Node they want to be, granted they meet the Nodes requirements. The rewards vary for each Node type, and time of day. Most Nodes will be Minting Nodes. These Nodes will have the task of actual creating the sNFT Digital Asset.

We are confident that we can maintain 50,000 Generated sNFTs / Second. Because our Games are Free, and truly next generation, our Player Base will naturally grow over time. We have plenty of testing scheduled before our First Game goes Live.

For a more technical dive into our separation of Roles, and our Node Types, read our Technical Whitepaper. If you call Bullsh$t, the answer should be in the Technical Whitepaper:

Commercial Use

We are kicking Gravity Collision off at the perfect time. AAA Game Studios are diving further into Anti-Consumer & Anti-Gamer practices. By funding us, Gamers everywhere are saying NO to Player Monetization. We have no plans to ever directly charge you for our Games, or the Content within. Even on our Marketplace, we are only charging a 1% Transaction Fee, to keep the Network running.

We do have plans for Commercial Use. As our popularity skyrockets, Gamers will start to see the Value that lies beyond our Games (hint). Digital Assets that can be used outside of it’s origin game, and boy do we have plans.

As AAA Game Studios aim to catch up, they will take the easy way out. We will offer our Blockchain for their use, at a 5% Transaction Fee / sNFT. There are no modifications that need to be made to support adding a AAA Game Studio. But, in order for them to begin, they need to meet a few requirements.

  1. They need to hold 1 GRAV-C for every sNFT they have in their Library Node (and a 500,000 GRAV-C Buy In)
  2. They need to host their own Library Node
  3. They aren’t allowed to directly sell sNFTs to their Player Base

Our Ecosystem will not be corrupted, in favor of another way to sell Skins to Players. We will revoke FRs (Fulfillment Requests) if they are found to have directly sold sNFTs to their Player Base.

There is no incentive for AAA Game Studios to stop their flagrant Anti-Consumer Practices. Gravity Collision will show them that treating Gamers as actual Humans and not Cash Cows is the proper way forward. We will do this with our amazing Games, our revolutionary Ecosystem, and our fast and efficient Blockchain.

Their mistake was Profits over Players.



Gravity Collision

We are an open development, community directed, and morally driven Videogame Development Studio. High quality games, without the sacrifice.